Lonely and Heartbroken: The Tale of a Dog Left Behind, Unaware of His Owner’s Heartless Departure.

Oscar’s Unwavering Loyalty: From Abandonment to a Loving Family

The previous owner of this property sold it, leaving behind their loyal companion, Oscar, on the street. Oscar, with his heart full of hope, believed that his family would return to their home.

Oscar, a sweet and gentle dog, was heartlessly abandoned when his owner decided to relocate, leaving him behind. For months, he sat patiently at the front door, longing for the return of the family that never came back.

Oscar’s compassionate neighbors took turns feeding him, and he even found comfort in the company of a neighbor’s cat. Despite being well cared for, he remained sad and missed his original family.

Rescuers stepped in to save him after hearing his heart-wrenching story. Despite the abandonment, Oscar’s love and kindness shone through.

Thanks to the intervention of Love Furry Buddies, Oscar found his way to safety. He received essential care at a veterinary clinic, including a bath and treatment for parasites. After a pampering session at a pet-friendly salon, he enjoyed a trip to the beach for some well-deserved photos.

Oscar’s story touched the hearts of a kind family who decided to adopt him without hesitation. Now, Oscar is living the dream, surrounded by a Yorkie and a loving family.

By sharing his story on social media, Oscar’s tale garnered widespread attention, and it’s only a matter of time before more adorable dogs like him find their forever homes. 

Christopher Walken has loved the same woman for 59 years, they made a tough decision together

While Hollywood movies have given us so many love stories that are for the ages, most celebrity couples in real life are far from what we see on screen.
Divorce is not unheard of for most celebrities but there are of course, always exceptions to this rule. This is the story of legendary actor Christopher Walken and his wife Georgianne Walken, two people who have defied the odds.

Georgianne Walken was a casting director when she met Christopher Walken as they were working together. It was an instant connection that has lasted over half a century at this point.

The couple met in 1963 during a theatre tour of West Side Story. The two of them portrayed a couple for the production and slowly but surely fell for one another during the process. Georgianne recalls that she knew pretty soon that Christopher was the only man for her and the couple wed one another just a short six years after that.


“When [I] met him, [I] knew he had a future. He was good and was [going to] be better. It was a very compelling idea, and I had never met anybody like that in my life,” Georgianne said of their meeting.
She decided to get a stable job so Christopher could focus on acting without having to worry about money. Luckily, her job landed her in Hollywood once again, this time, however, she was behind the camera. She became a casting director and in this point of her career has about a 100 movies and shows under her belt. One of these shows include The Sopranos, which even led her to win an Emmy Award!


Christopher was also successful in his acting career. He has an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role in The Deer Hunter and a BAFTA for his role in Catch Me If You Can.
“It’s very interesting being married to a man who is constantly playing a different person. You’re always living with a different person. He never tells me what part he’s playing when he’s getting ready. It just descends on me one day. Very interesting,” Georgianne has said about her husband.

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