9-Year-old Boy Lived Alone in Unheated Apartment for 2 Years While Mother Lived With Boyfriend in France

Nine-year-old boy’s mother left him to live with her boyfriend; he spent two years living alone in a chilly apartment in southwest France. His mother relocated three miles away, leaving the young boy to fend for himself in an apartment in Nersac, France, close to Angoulême. The 39-year-old mother put the child in risk and was sentenced to six months in prison last week. The father of the boy, who lives in a different town, was not charged.
The youngster who was abandoned had times without electricity, warmth, or hot water between 2020 and 2022.

He made due by utilizing blankets and sleeping bags for warmth and washing in cold water. He turned to grabbing tomatoes from a nearby balcony and foraging among neighbors for food in order to survive. After worried neighbors eventually called the authorities, the kid was placed under protective custody.

The youngster lived a life of neglect and seclusion, but no one noticed because he went to school. in part because he did his schoolwork, kept his room tidy, and got good scores. Barbara Couturier, the mayor of the town, clarified that the youngster appeared to put on a shield. presenting the impression that everything was OK. “I believe he surrounded himself with a shield of assurance that everything is OK,” she added.

When the neighbors initially saw the problem, they sensed something wasn’t quite right.

When the boy’s mother heard from neighbors about her concerns, she disregarded them, saying she was taking care of her son and requested them to keep out of her personal affairs. Because the youngster could take care of himself, the locals said the negligence went unnoticed.

The abandoned child turned to stealing tomatoes from a nearby balcony and asking about for food among the neighbors during his two years of loneliness. The youngster was eventually placed in care after the worried neighbors contacted the police.

According to a classmate, the boy stayed at home most of the time, seldom left the house, and frequently ate and rode the bus alone. Using mobile data that demonstrated her sparse attendance at the apartment, the mother’s claim that she lived with her son was refuted throughout the trial.He admitted to his friends that he rode the bus and ate his meals by himself. He didn’t always stay at home and didn’t go out.The student said.

See Also: After Her Parents Abandoned Her, She Swore To Show Them Wrong — Now She Models For Vogue

Changing shame into relief

The neighbors felt bad about not recognizing the problem sooner. blaming the anonymity of contemporary living for helping the neglect to continue.”If a mother mistreated her child, it didn’t matter too much when there was a family and a community around them since everyone in the village and the rest of the family took care of the child. It’s not the same anymore,” a local citizen remarked.

What is the University of Nottingham’s position on desertion?

A comprehensive legal definition of child abandonment is conspicuously absent from a study conducted across ten European Union countries, namely Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and the United Kingdom. The uncertainty and lack of clarity surrounding the definition of child abandonment present difficulties for this issue’s practical and academic endeavors.

A major contributing cause to the need for institutional care for children under three is child abandonment. Just 4% of children in Western European institutions were found to be abandoned, according to a comparison. In contrast, the percentage was substantially higher—32%—in Central and Eastern Europe. The largest percentages of abandoned children in institutional care were seen in Romania, Hungary, and Latvia. While the UK, Denmark, and Norway all stated that child desertion was uncommon.

EU nations are taking a number of steps to stop child desertion. Among these initiatives are:
Social support
Daycare centers
mother-child pairs
Services for family planning
services of counseling for mothers and/or families
monetary assistance
initiatives focusing on child identification and high-risk families
“Training centers” for parents
Helplines providing assistance to mothers who require it
Advice on how to stop child abandonment in maternity hospitals
Social workers’ presence in maternity units
Hospital employees receive training on how to identify high-risk situations, manage them, and offer supportive counseling.

This Girl Became a Star – The ‘Product of 13 Divorces,’ Her Dad Left Her Mom for 17-Year-Old Actress

Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh were one of the biggest celebrity couples of the ’60s. However, their marriage is often remembered for the bitterness and hatred that plagued their final years together.

Hollywood is a community of glamor and style. A huge part of the flamboyant culture of the movie industry is the romance between some of its top stars.

However, Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh were the true Jack and Rose of the ’60s. The couple defied all odds to be together, including staking their careers, but the end was far from perfect, and they soon got a divorce.

Tony Curtis at the Dorchester Hotel, in London, England, circa 1957 | Source: Getty Images


Tony Curtis was famous for his flamboyance as much as his talent. Tony was among the celebrities who characterized what it meant to be a superstar actor in a stylish and charming manner.

Tony, like other A-listers, has been associated with a number of women during his life and has had multiple marriages, but each was a failure. However, his romance with Leigh was one of the most remarkable things in his life.

The attractive couple was the center of attention throughout their time together, and their relationship even flowed over into their professional lives, as they appeared in five movies together.

Promotional portrait of American actors Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis for the movie Strictly for Pleasure directed by Blake Edwards | Source: Getty Images

Leigh’s fame was already established when she met her future husband, Tony, at a publicity party in the 1950s. It was a few years after her breakthrough role in the late ’40s. She was beautiful and had a reputation for her pitch in movies.

The actress was more popular than Tony by the time they met. She had appeared in successful movies such as “The Romance of Rosy Ridge” and “Little Women.” but Tony was yet to have his big break.

Things progressed quickly for the couple, and they fell in love. Despite the many obstacles they faced, the couple tied the knot, and many expected things to last forever, but things went sour as quickly as they began.

American actors Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh smile at their daughter, Kelly Lee | Source: Getty Images

After welcoming their first child, Kelly, the couple realized their love had lost its spark. Later on, they welcomed their daughter Jamie in a bid to save what was left of their union. Jamie later described herself as a “save-the-marriage baby.” However, her parents still went on to divorce despite her arrival.

Speaking of her experience with her embattled parents, Jamie said, “By the time I came along… my parents’ bond had deteriorated precipitously as their stardom grew. And like any other save-the-marriage baby, I failed.” Tony filed for divorce in 1962. Leaving his family divided.


Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis posing with child in publicity portrait for the film 'The Perfect Furlough', circa 1958 | Source: Getty Images

Leigh had always had the affection of both fans and co-stars. By the time she met Tony, she was already in league with the high powers of Hollywood. Hollywood tycoon Howard Huges was one of the names backing her career. Hughes was romantically interested in Leigh, but she did not seem to share in his interest.

Her heart was already given to Tony. Both stars were seriously in love with each other and enjoyed an intense physical relationship. The duo was willing to cross any hurdle that would fight their love, even if it meant despising the people who backed their career.

Married American actors Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh on a carousel, circa 1955 | Source: Getty Images

Like Leigh, Tony’s love for the actress was equally tested by Universal’s huge offer of ten thousand dollars to wed co-star Piper Laurie. The union was seen as a much-needed boost for his career. However, money could not take him away from his heartthrob.

Tony became a familiar figure on most of Leigh’s film sets, and their relationship soon became public news. Universal grew more concerned over Tony’s affair with a rival actress and hoped he would side with them by marrying Laurie.

Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh at 25th Annual Academy Awards on March 19, 1953 | Source: Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons

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