Billionaire actor and producer Tyler Perry describes his childhood as a “living hell.” As a young adult, he struggled to make money and was eventually “homeless” and “starving

Tyler Perry’s journey from a challenging childhood to a billionaire filmmaker is a testament to resilience. Raised in New Orleans amidst poverty and abuse, Perry found solace in his imagination. He vividly recalls his troubled upbringing as a “living hell,” marked by violence from his father. Struggling in his early adulthood, Perry faced homelessness and hunger.

Producer Tyler Perry pictured during the 2009 Toronto International Film Festival at Roy Thomson Hall on September 13, 2009 in Toronto, Canada | Source: Getty Images

Despite the hardships, Perry’s determination led him to success. Starting with odd jobs, he saved money to produce his first play, “Know I’ve Been Changed.” Living in his car for months, he eventually hit it big with the character Madea, grossing over $670 million in box office sales.
Now a billionaire, Perry owns a vast production empire, Tyler Perry Studios, surpassing even Warner Brothers in size. His success stems from owning everything associated with his studio. Perry’s down-to-earth life includes philanthropy, combating homelessness through The Perry Foundation, supporting charities, and providing relief after natural disasters.

Living in a $100 million mega-mansion in Atlanta, Perry remains grounded, driving a replica of his old car as a reminder of his journey. Despite his wealth, he continues to inspire and uplift others, emphasizing gratitude and perseverance.

Pictured: An aerial view of Tyler Perry's home in Atlanta, Georgia | Source: YouTube/DFWald


Sometimes, dads don’t get as much credit as moms in parenting. But the truth is, a father’s role in a child’s life is just as important, and they deserve the same love. Ella Travolta wanted to appreciate her dad, John Travolta, for everything he does, and she shared some heartfelt words.

At Bright Side, we believe that sharing kind words strengthens bonds, so we want to share this sweet exchange with our audience. Ella honored John on his special day.

The 21-year-old actress posted a picture on her Instagram with her dad and brother. In the caption, she said her dad is her “best friend” and someone who brings joy to her in both good times and bad.

She revealed that even though parenting is not easy, John makes it look like it is. He somehow makes every day better than the previous one for his kids. Ella also added that she hopes to be half as good a parent as John someday.

John himself shared a message for the kids.

John Travolta feels really happy and lucky to be the dad of his two children. He loves encouraging and treating his kids well. He recently shared that his daughter Ella will be in a new version of Alice in Wonderland. And of course, he proudly mentioned that he’s a “very proud dad.” He’s been keeping his family strong since last year.

Last year, John Travolta’s wife, Kelly Preston, passed away after they were married for 29 years. She was 57 years old and had been fighting breast cancer. After she passed away, John took a break to cope with the sadness and support his children. Before this, he also experienced the loss of his oldest son, Jett, in 2009.

What’s the sweetest thing your dad has done for you? And you for him? We’d love to see your photos together in the comments below!

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