Heartbreaking Tragedy: Dad Breaks Silence After Mom and 3 Kids Found Dead

The small town of Wolcottville, Indiana, is still in shock after a terrible tragedy earlier this September.

Rebecca Hughes, who was 32 years old, was found dead along with her three children: 8-year-old Evelyn, 6-year-old Allison, and 5-year-old Amelia.

On September 17, police went to check on Hughes at her home and found her body along with her children’s.

The Indiana State Police sent detectives and crime scene investigators to the home. Police stated that the information and evidence they have shows there is no threat to the public.

While the investigation is still going on, authorities have not yet figured out what caused the tragedy, according to WSBT22. The Noble County Coroner’s Office has not released the cause of death or a toxicology report.

This heartbreaking news has deeply affected the close-knit community of Wolcottville, which has about 1,000 residents. As people learned the names of the family, many gathered to mourn and pay their respects. Main Street was filled with candles and stuffed animals, creating a touching tribute to the lost family.

Local pastor Mike Stanley told WSBT22, “Everybody’s grieving in their own way. If we come together and share that love… there are people here that I don’t know from the community, and I’ve lived here for twenty-some-odd years. But if we share the hurt, we share the burden; it all gets a little lighter for all of us.”

The children’s father, Jonathan Newell, set up a GoFundMe page to help with funeral costs. He also shared a moving statement. “These kids deserve so much more than I can provide for their burials. Rebecca, their mom, took them with her when she passed on 09/17/2024. If you can, everything helps. If you need to be paid back after, I can make payments. I’ll do whatever it takes,” Jonathan wrote.

The community came together to support Jonathan and the children. By the end of the fundraising campaign, he had received an amazing $47,000 in donations. “People who didn’t even know me or my kids started just giving money and sending messages,” Jonathan told ABC57.

On Sunday, September 22, funeral services were held at Hite Funeral Home for the girls, followed by a burial at Swan Cemetery. In another update on September 24, Jonathan wrote, “The funeral was beautiful, and my daughters were laid to rest in peace. Please stop donating now; I appreciate everything, but others need this now. Tomorrow I will start personal thank yous again.”

At this point, no one knows for sure what happened to the girls, as nothing has been made public. However, interviews with Jonathan, the father, and Rebecca’s friends show that Rebecca struggled with mental health issues.

Friend Ashley Gross posted on Facebook, describing Rebecca as “quiet and shy” around strangers but “so funny and bubbly” with friends. She added, “Rebecca did love her kids, and unfortunately, I don’t think anyone was there for her as she was going through something, mentally and emotionally.”

In the wake of the tragedy, Jonathan has shared an important message. He expressed regret for not being more present and hopes others can avoid feeling the same way. “If you are a parent, and you have kids, and you need help, then get it. Because you don’t know when it’s going to be the last time you can,” he pleaded.

What Might Happen to Your Body If You Start Sleeping Without a Pillow

The first pillows we know of date back to Ancient Mesopotamia. They were made of stone, and only wealthy people could afford them. Unlike ancient stone pillows, the ones we use today are soft and fluffy, and many people can’t sleep without hugging a big cozy pillow. But in fact, sleeping with a pillow may not be the best way to rest, as it can affect your body and your mood.

We at Bright Side understand that it can be difficult to part with your favorite pillow, but sleeping without it has many health benefits, and we did our research to introduce you to some of them.

1. It prevents back pain.

Many pillows can lead to an unnatural sleeping position and the support they provide doesn’t last long. Although the pillow itself won’t cause your back to hurt, it can worsen many of the underlying symptoms. When you sleep without a pillow, your spine can rest and your body is in its natural position.

2. It helps you to deal with neck pain.

Most pillows can’t help you sleep in the right position, and can even make sleeping postures worse. Bending your neck in any way for a long time will make you uncomfortable, and pillows that are too firm or too soft may lead to neck pain.

3. It combats headaches.

If you’re waking up with a headache or feeling light-headed, your pillow might be to blame. Pillows that are too high cause your head and neck to round forward, and they add more tension to the neck muscles. This might give you a headache in the morning once you’ve gotten out of bed.

4. It may alleviate stress.

If your pillow makes you uncomfortable at night, you might end up tossing and turning in your sleep. The more sleep disturbances you have, the less time your body has for many important functions that occur during sleep. Constant sleep deprivation can affect your mood and thinking skills, and will cause your body to release more stress hormones during the day.

5. It prevents facial acne.

Your skin will thank you for getting rid of your pillow. Your face is normally pressed on your pillow for most of the time during the night. You probably don’t wash your pillowcase every day, and it collects dirt, oil, and household dust on it. All of this can lead to breakouts, inflammation, and premature wrinkles.

6. It may be good for your hair.

If you’re waking up in the morning with dry and tangled hair, you might want to forgo your pillow for the sake of your locks. When you’re tossing and turning at night, your hair is rubbing against your pillowcase, causing it to break. Pillowcases can also absorb the oils from your hair, leaving it dry and brittle.

Disclaimer: Please remember that this article serves for informational purposes only. In order to get professional advice and a diagnosis, please see your doctor.

Do you sleep with or without a pillow? Have you noticed how it affects you?

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