20 families had previously rejected an ‘unusual’ girl before a single man adopted her

The story of this cute family of two started when little Alba, who was just 13 days old back then, was rejected by 20 adoptive families.

The decision made by all these people not to embrace the special little girl turned lucky for the 41-year-old Italian Luca Trapanese.

When he filled in the adoption papers, Luca didn’t really believe the social services would allow him to become the legal father of Alba as in the country where he is from it is not common for single, homosexual man to be granted custody.

But, as all those families didn’t want to adopt a child with Down Syndrome, and Luca was more than happy to have such child in his life, he took Alba in and became her legal daddy.

The moment he welcomed sweet Alba into his life, he became the happiest person on Earth. Speaking of his daughter and his case, he said it was very special because it “destroys stereotypes about fatherhood, religion and family.”

The journey of these father and daughter started back in 2017 and they are stealing the hearts of many ever since.

Luka has a heart of gold. He has been part of many social service programs throughout the years and volunteered at various organizations who help people with special needs find their place in the society. Among the rest, he was part of the foundation “A Ruota Libera” which provided assistance for children with Down Syndrome.

This was one of the reasons why Luca wanted to adopt a child with Down Syndrom despite not having a partner.

20 families had previously rejected an ‘unusual’ girl before a single man adopted her

The story of this cute family of two started when little Alba, who was just 13 days old back then, was rejected by 20 adoptive families.

The decision made by all these people not to embrace the special little girl turned lucky for the 41-year-old Italian Luca Trapanese.

When he filled in the adoption papers, Luca didn’t really believe the social services would allow him to become the legal father of Alba as in the country where he is from it is not common for single, homosexual man to be granted custody.

But, as all those families didn’t want to adopt a child with Down Syndrome, and Luca was more than happy to have such child in his life, he took Alba in and became her legal daddy.

The moment he welcomed sweet Alba into his life, he became the happiest person on Earth. Speaking of his daughter and his case, he said it was very special because it “destroys stereotypes about fatherhood, religion and family.”

The journey of these father and daughter started back in 2017 and they are stealing the hearts of many ever since.

Luka has a heart of gold. He has been part of many social service programs throughout the years and volunteered at various organizations who help people with special needs find their place in the society. Among the rest, he was part of the foundation “A Ruota Libera” which provided assistance for children with Down Syndrome.

This was one of the reasons why Luca wanted to adopt a child with Down Syndrom despite not having a partner.


Finalizing the adoption was a difficult process as adoption agencies prefer “traditional” families over the non-conventional ones.

“For me, a disabled child is not a second choice solution, but a conscious choice with respect to my vocation and my abilities,” Luca said.

Alba is a happy child with a vibrant personality. She loves being around people and enjoys playing and dancing.

We are so glad that the perception of people with Down Syndrome is changing and they are considered valuable part of the society.

As for Luca and Alba, we wish them all the best that life can bring!

This small artifact has a huge role in the home

Imagine yourself in the cozy embrace of a 1970s living room, where the walls are painted in earthy hues and the shag carpet sprawls out in bold, funky patterns.

Amidst this retro-chic setting, a slender, unassuming object rests in the groove of a vinyl record sleeve.

What is it, you ask? Well, it’s none other than a humble hook — a relic of domestic life from days gone by. Keep reading to find out more!

Cast your mind back to a time when windows were adorned with their Sunday best — pleated curtains hanging proudly, framing views of idyllic suburban landscapes or the bustling streets of the city. In the background, the curtain hook quietly performed its duties, ensuring that the fabric cascaded in graceful folds, casting mesmerizing patterns of light and shadow across the room.

But as the sands of time shifted, so too did the mechanisms of home decor. The once-ubiquitous curtain hook gradually faded into obscurity, replaced by more modern fixtures. Yet, despite its diminished role, the curtain hook remains a poignant reminder of an era characterized by meticulous attention to detail — a time when even the smallest adornments spoke volumes about a homeowner’s taste and care.

“Fell out of one of my dad’s record sleeves… dangerous roach clip or dated 70s hair accessory?”via: BroccoliBastard/reddit

In a world where technology reigns supreme and trends come and go with dizzying speed, the curtain hook stands as a steadfast symbol of simplicity and tradition. Its very existence serves as a gentle reminder that amidst the ever-changing landscape of modern living, there is always beauty to be found in the timeless elegance of the past.

So, the next time you come across a curtain hook tucked away in a forgotten corner of an antique shop or buried beneath a pile of household odds and ends, take a moment. For in that unassuming piece of metal lies not just a functional fixture, but a piece of history — a humble testament to the enduring charm of days gone by.

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