A mother sold her old stroller to feed her four children, only to find it returned to her doorstep the next day with a note inside

A pregnant mother of three needs to sell her stroller to feed her three children after she was abandoned by her husband.

Anne Sargent sat on her kitchen floor and cried. It was past midnight, and it was the only time she could allow herself to show her pain — when her three children were asleep upstairs.

Anne felt the baby move and placed a tender hand on her belly. “I’m sorry,” she whispered to her unborn child. “I’m doing my best, but it’s just not good enough…”

Just two months ago, Anne had been a radially happy wife and mother, confidently expecting the birth of her fourth child, and confident in her place in the world and her husband’s love. That woman was gone.

Derek had come home one night and told her he was leaving, just like that. “But why?” asked Anne. “I don’t understand, I thought we were happy!”

“YOU were happy!” Derek cried. “YOU, not me! All you did was have babies and fuss over them, now there’s one more on the way!”

“But you WANTED children!” Anne protested. “You were happy every time I was pregnant…”

A family is built on understanding and mutual respect.
“Happy?” screamed Derek. “Happy that you gave all your love and attention to the kids? All I was to you was a paycheck! Well, that’s OVER!”

So three months after Anne announced her fourth pregnancy, Derek was gone. Anne immediately went out and found herself a part-time job at a local grocery store.

The owner would have been willing to give her a full-time job, but for that, Anne would have needed to pay a sitter for her three boys and that would have consumed most of her salary, so she carefully stretched her salary. But even with the child support check Derek sent, it just wasn’t enough.

Anne started selling some antique china she’d inherited from her grandmother and that paid for the utilities for a few months. Then she sold a silver brush-and-mirror set she’d had since she was a little girl, and that paid for groceries. Little by little, as her belly grew, Anne sold her treasures to keep her family safe and fed.

Then one day, there was nothing left to sell except bric-a-brac. Anything of greater value was gone. Anne looked at the old stroller she’d brought up from the cellar.

It had been hers when she was a baby and had been used by each of her children in turn. It was very old, probably from the sixties, but it was in mint condition.

She ran her hand over the roses painted on the side and bit back her tears. She needed it for the new baby, but she needed the money even more.

She thought about getting a good price for it down at the flea market. Vintage items were always popular… And so she took the stroller to the flea market, and one of the dealers gave her $50 for it. Not much at all, but every cent helped.

Anne walked away, sure she’d never see the stroller again, but she was wrong. Two days later, she opened the front door and saw the stroller on the porch!

There was an envelope inside and Anne opened it and read: “Please call me.” The message was followed by a phone number. Anne called the number ad a woman answered her.

“Hello?” Anne said. “Are you the person who left the stroller? How did you know who it belonged to and where I live?”

“Derek told me,” the woman on the other side said. “I’m Grace Robbs. I think we should meet.”

An hour later, Grace was sitting on Anne’s sofa sipping tea. She was a pretty woman, six or seven years younger than Anne, and she looked very unhappy. Her pale skin was blotched and her eyes were swollen as if she’d been crying.

“How do you know Derek,” Anne asked, even though in her heart she already knew the answer.

“I was his girlfriend,” Grace said.

“Was?” asked Anne. “You broke up?”

“Today, as a matter of fact,” Grace said and started crying. “I didn’t know…I didn’t know about you or the children, or the baby… I found out I was pregnant, and I didn’t know how to tell him…”

“So I went to the flea market with a friend and saw this darling stroller and I bought it. I put it in the middle of the lounge and tied balloons to it with a message: ‘Hello Dad!’”

“But he wasn’t happy like I thought he’d be. He started screaming and asking where II got the stroller and if his stupid wife had given it to me. He asked if it was a joke.”

“He told me to take it right back, that he didn’t want to know about your baby. So I told him: ‘It’s for OUR baby.’ and that’s when he went crazy.”

“He accused me of wanting to trap him and said he already had three brats with you and one more on the way, and he didn’t want my baby. He told me to get out and come to you.”

“He said: ‘Might as well have all the breeding cows under the same roof.’ I’m so sorry, I didn’t know about you, I guess I didn’t know him at all!”

Anne got up and put her arm around the crying girl. “It’s okay. It’s going to be okay, you’ll see.”

“He’s kicked me out,” Grace said quietly. “I have no family here and nowhere to go. I have a job, but with the rents in this city, I can’t afford to live alone, and who is going to want a pregnant roommate?”

“I will!” Anne said firmly. “I need a tenant because what I earn isn’t enough, and I can’t work full-time because I can’t afford a babysitter for after school.”

“But…” Grace’s face lit up. “I work online! I can take care of the kids after school. I love kids!”

“So I can take a full-time job?” asked Anne, delighted. “The owner of the grocery store wants me to manage it for him. With your help, I can! And you don’t have to worry about stuff for the baby. After three kids I have enough for an army.”

Grace smiled through her tears. “And we have the stroller too…” she pointed out. “Are you sure? It’s Derek’s baby…”

“No,” Anne shook her head. “It’s YOUR baby, and my children’s sibling, that is all that matters.”

The two women settled into a new life together, and when Anne’s baby was born, Grace was there. When it was Grace’s turn four months later, Anne held her hand. They became a real family and raised their five children together.

As for Derek, he had several failed relationships and eventually came knocking on Anne’s door. He was shocked when he saw Grace there and asked to speak to Anne. “What do you want, Derek?” Anne asked.

“I miss you, babe…” Derek said.

Anne stared at him for a long moment then said, “Sorry, so not interested!” And she closed the door in his face.

What can we learn from this story?

If we work together, we can overcome any problem. Anne and Grace couldn’t survive alone, but together they were an unbeatable team.
A family is built on understanding and mutual respect. Anne and Grace forged a family out of their friendship and mutual support.

Share this story with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.

Desiree Anzalone, great-granddaughter of Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball, and her tragic fate

Despite having been gone for thirty years, Lucille Ball is still adored and remembered by a large number of people.

She became well-known as the most popular comedy actress of the 1950s when she co-starred with her husband, Desi Arnaz, in the television series I Love Lucy.

She began her career as a model and film actor before becoming well-known for her roles in television shows. By the time her career ended, she had acted in more than 70 films.

In many respects, Lucille Ball’s legacy persisted, and her great-granddaughter exhibited a remarkable likeness to her well-known great-grandmother.

Desiree Anzalone, 31, tragically passed away in a terrible way in 2020.

On the set of the television show I Love Lucy, Desi Arnaz, an American actor of Cuban descent, gave his wife, actress Lucille Ball, a hug. 1950s. Mondadori’s photo on Getty Images)

I Love Lucy changed history in a lot of ways and propelled Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz to stardom. It was among the first sitcoms to be recorded live and set the precedent for numerous other well-known sitcoms.

Having been married twice, Lucille Ball had two kids. She married Desi Arnaz, her co-star in the film I Love Lucy, in 1940. Desi Arnaz Jr. and Lucie Arnaz are the names of the couple’s two children.

Though Desi Arnaz Jr.’s birth was among the most widely reported in television history, it wasn’t an easy life for the son of two famous people. He has acknowledged in the past that he had wild parties in Hollywood during his formative years in the 1950s and 1960s.

He was surrounded by pressure and temptation because he was the child of two extremely well-known television actors.In reality, at the tender age of fifteen, he became a parent.

Even though Arnaz Jr. did not get close to his daughter Julia until almost two decades later, he tried to make up for his earlier lack of presence by being present for his granddaughter, Desiree Anzalone.

When Lucille Ball, the actress behind I Love Lucy, gave birth to Arnaz Jr. on the same night as her main character did in a prerecorded episode, the child shot to prominence.

It was a historic event because CBS had previously maintained that a pregnant woman could not be shown on air.

The infant developed into a teenager in the company of Hollywood aristocracy, eventually rising to fame as a teenage idol of his own on his parents’ other project, Here’s Lucy.

He eventually met the mother of his daughter, Susan Callahan-Howe, about this period. She was a model.Susan and Desi Jr. first connected when they were just 15 years old. However, it took years for Desi Jr. and his daughter Julia to get back together in the 1990s.

Sadly, Julia never got to meet her famous grandma because it was after Lucille passed away.

Callahan spent years informing her daughter that her father was well-known before she tragically passed away from COVID-19 in 2020. Years later, in 1991, Julia made the decision to confirm it through a paternity test.

“When I was twenty, we took a DNA test, and the results showed that I was, in fact, his daughter. Shortly after that, my father and I began a wonderful relationship,” Julia told Page Six.

By now, I’m at least eighteen. He might have said, “Well, she’s my child, whatever.” However, he didn’t. He was a huge assistance to me throughout my life and to my daughter as she went to college.

Desiree Anzalone was that daughter, and Julia clarified that her father also grew close to her. She continued by saying that they were very close and that Desiree even briefly resided with Arnaz Jr.

In addition, Julia gave her daughter the second name Desiree in remembrance of her grandmother Lucille, who had won an Emmy.

Desiree, who studied creative writing at the University of North Texas, was employed as a photographer.

People reports that the young woman was given a stage 2 breast cancer diagnosis at the age of 25.

Anzalone had a double mastectomy and experienced a brief period of remission before the cancer reappeared and spread to her bones, liver, and lungs.

Desiree’s life unfortunately came to an end in 2020.

During the 2020 pandemic, Julia Arnaz had to deal with her mother passing away from COVID-19 and her daughter being diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer.

“I wasn’t able to see her as much as I usually do because she was compromised and I didn’t want her getting sick in any way,” Julia told People. “The COVID-19 kept us apart.” Due to the COVID since March, I was unable to spend as much time with her as I usually do. Even though we would hang out almost every day, I didn’t see her as much as I would have liked. She also spent some time living with me.

Julia Arnaz stated to Page Six in May 2021 that she was committed to working as an activist to support other young women in stopping the sickness that killed her daughter from progressing so quickly.

She has pledged to increase the number of mammograms performed in Connecticut, her home state. Arnaz wants to encourage younger women to start these checks sooner rather than later, even if older women are usually advised to do so on a regular basis.

“There’s a big difference in those four or five months,” she said. And my daughter, this lovely angel…A lot of young ladies may say, “Oh, it’s just a cyst, no big deal.” However, she truly stood up for herself, and I urge other young ladies to follow suit.

Julia Arnaz has persisted in raising awareness of this problem and making her voice heard in the public after her daughter’s untimely death.

It’s simply not discussed very often. According to Julia Arnaz in someone, “it’s usually people in their late 30s, 40s, or 50s — not somebody at this age.” She thus genuinely wanted to assist other ladies who were in a similar situation to herself. a prophylactic.

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