Jennifer Aniston turned out at the Emmy FYC event for her acclaimed drama, The Morning Show, this past weekend, and her look was undeniably captivating.
But while many agreed that the actress looked nothing short of stunning in a sleeveless, deep red dress, complemented by a matching ruby pendant, there were other question marks that arose regarding her appearance. Namely, what sort of plastic surgery (if any) she has undergone in recent months.
The 55-year-old plays TV anchor Alex Levy on The Morning Show, and the Apple TV+ series has proven wildly popular.
The show’s success – coupled, of course, with Aniston’s iconic past as a star on arguably the most successful sitcom of all time, Friends – has seen her reputation surge in recent years. Aniston has never really experienced a ‘dip’ in her career, but her stock has certainly enjoyed a revival since The Morning Show first aired.
Indeed, for anyone old enough to have lived through the era of Friends, it’s almost strange to accept that in five years time, Aniston will be 60 years old.
Time flies, as they say, and even the wealthiest celebrities can’t help but age in front of our faces.James Devaney/WireImage
Or can they?
Well, it’s certainly not something the majority of them readily embrace. Quite the opposite in fact: those with inexhaustible bank accounts tend to doggedly fight the aging process – at least in so far as appearance is concerned – undergoing operations and treatments in a bid to keep themselves looking as young as possible.
Incidentally, Jennifer Aniston was reportedly seen leaving a well-known plastic surgery clinic in Connecticut only a few months ago, prompting speculation that she had gone under the knife.
The clinic in question, The Retreat At Split Rock, is said to specialize in expert upper and lower face lifts, costing around $50,000 to $100,000 each, as well as brow and eye lifts that cost around $30,000 each.

It hasn’t been officially confirmed whether or not Aniston underwent treatment – let’s be honest, which celebrities are completely open and honest about this sort of stuff? – but there are clearly a fair few people online who suspect her look isn’t one hundred percent natural.
Following her appearance at the aforementioned Emmy FYC in New York on Sunday, certain individuals couldn’t resist themselves in pointing out that she looked different to usual.
“What has she done to her face?’’ one wrote in the comments section of a Daily Mail article.
A second added: “Jen is desperately trying to hold on to her old Friends looks. It can’t happen, she is much older now […]’’
“Her face looks weird because of all the work she has had done. She would have looked better with less,” opined a third.

The Scene Where Archie Bunker Defends The National Anthem Is Going Viral 50 Years Later

Archie Bunker most certainly was a memorable television character. For years, he appeared as a star of “All in the Family” and struck a chord with millions of Americans who felt they could relate to Bunker’s views on being an American.The show described Bunker as a hard-working American man who previously served in the armed forces, which explains why he was unwilling to stand by and let another man belittle the Star-Spangled Banner and be disrespectful toward it and all it stood for.
Bunker loved being patriotic and never worried about his political incorrectness. Although some of his comments have not aged well considering the “woke” revolution overtaking America these days, Bunker’s stance in favor of the national anthem continues to speak to millions of Americans who continue to put their pride in America before all else.During this clip, Bunker was watching television with his son-in-law, Meathead. While the national anthem was being played ahead of a sports event, Meathead complained about the anthem and said that it was not a very good song because it glorified the horrors of war.
Although modern-day critics of the national anthem claim it is racist against Black, brown, and indigenous people of color, Meathead was taking a stance against the anthem because it was written during the War of 1812 between the fledgling United States of America and Great Britain.
While Meathead shared his criticism of the anthem, Archie Bunker quickly came to its defense.
“That is one terrible song,” Meathead complains to his father-in-law. Bunker cannot believe his ears and lets his son-in-law know as much. He turns his gaze to Meathead with his eyes popping out of his head in shock at what he just heard come out of his son-in-law’s mouth.Don’t start up nothing with me, Meathead. I’m watching the game. That’s a beautiful song, and shut your face.” Bunker’s blunt attack gets Meathead riled up. He shifts in his chair and prepares to counter Bunker’s statement with one of his own invention.
“Huh? The song glorifies war, and even as a song, it stinks. Nobody can remember the words.”
“You’re going to ruin this game for me?” Bunker lashed back.
“Can you remember the words?”
“Certainly I can!” Bunker shouts.
Meathead then challenges the patriotic Archie Bunker to sing the first few lines of the national anthem. What happens next will have you rolling on the floor with laughter. Meathead doubles down and refuses to put the game back on until Bunker recites the words of the anthem. Although he recites his lines with gusto, Meathead is the one who gets the pleasure of telling Bunker he is “wrong!” Dozens of people commented on this delightfully funny clip from All in the Family on the YouTube video included below.
“Talk about picking battles. Mike just couldn’t shut up and let Archie enjoy his football game, including the national anthem. Go, Archie!”
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