Comedian Roseanne Barr recently weighed in on pop star Taylor Swift and the implications of her influence

Actress and conservative comedian Roseanne Barr recentIy weighed in on pop star Taylor Swift and the implications of her influence on the upcoming presidential election.

While interviewed by conservative commentator and Senior Editor for Human Events Jack Posbiec, Barr indicated that the establishment could utiIize Swift as a “mouthpiece” for their agenda.

Posobiec explained a hotly contested take of his that Taylor Swift’s vast popuIarity amongst the youth will be harnessed for an anti-Trump, liberal agenda. The Human Events editor further detailed his belief that political actors will attempt to convert Swifties into votes. I think, and I’ve said this I’ve taken a lot of crap for this online. I think they’re using Taylor Swift right now they’re gearing up for an operation to use Taylor Swift in the eIection against everything against Trump for Biden.

They are going to get her and all you know they call them the Swifties. They’re going to turn those into voters you watch, Posobiec said.

The Wisdom of Jennifer Lopez in Love and Dating

If you’re in your late 20s or early 30s and navigating the world of dating apps, you know how exhausting it can be to sift through countless potential matches. But what if you had a guiding light to help you navigate this process? And what if that guiding light happened to be the one and only Jennifer Lopez?In a recent episode of Tinder’s “Swipe Sessions” video series, Lopez provided invaluable advice to Brooke, a 29-year-old country singer, as they sifted through her options on the app. Brooke expressed her desire to find a man who could “chop wood,” and as they swiped through profiles, Lopez shared some insightful dating wisdom.

“Guys, until they’re 33, are really useless,” Lopez boldly stated.While this statement might seem harsh, there is some truth to it. According to relationship expert Jane Greer, author of “What About Me? Stop Selfishness From Ruining Your Relationship,” Lopez’s advice holds weight, especially if you are seeking commitment.Men often need time to establish their professional careers and attain financial stability, which in turn brings a sense of security to their lives. This journey towards maturity, influenced by accomplishments and experiences, usually occurs in their early 30s.

This doesn’t mean that men in their 20s should be entirely off-limits. However, it does help explain why some men suddenly undergo a shift in their ability to commit once they reach their 30s.Greer further explains, “Sometimes you see a guy who’s been in several relationships, but then, in his early 30s, suddenly he meets a woman and is ready to marry her.”
While Jennifer Lopez’s advice may not apply to everyone, one thing is certain: knowing your worth and having standards that align with it never hurt anyone. So, the next time you find yourself swiping on a dating app, ask yourself, “What would Jennifer Lopez do?”

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