When it comes to Howie Mandel, the first thing that comes to mind is positivism and laughter.
According to IMDb, he started his career in showbiz by pure chance. A producer noticed him during an amateur night at the Comedy Store on the L.A. Sunset Strip during a vacation after his friends convinced him to try it out.
Today, Mandel is one of the most famous names in the world of entertainment. A TV celebrity, screenwriter, actor, producer, director, entrepreneur, and popular game show panelist/host, you name it, Mandel has tried it all and proved that he’s great in all of it.
Recently, however, he decided to open up about his mental state and confessed he’s been battling anxiety, ADHD, and OCD most of his life. The truth is that no one can really assume that someone as fun as Mandel could be going through such a thing.
“I’m living in a nightmare,” he declared. ” I work to ground myself. I love what I do and have a lovely family. However, I can also experience severe sadness from which I can never recover.”
This turned even worse during the COVID-19 pandemic when we were forced into lockdown. Mandel revealed to People magazine that there was no day the thought “we would die” didn’t cross his mind. But the fact that no one from his closest surrounding was affected gave him comfort.
Although he was diagnosed in his thirties, Mandal knows he had OCD and ADHD since forever. He, however, didn’t speak of his mental state openly because he believed it would affect his career. “My first reaction was that I’ve embarrassed my family,” he admitted. “Then I realized that nobody would hire someone who wasn’t stable. Those were my concerns.”
It was comedy that helped him during the toughest times in his life.
“My coping mechanism is finding the humorous,” he declared. “If I’m not smiling, I’m probably sobbing. And I’ve still held back on how horrible and dark it actually gets. In a way, comedy saved me. I feel very much at ease on stage. And when I have nothing to do, I retreat, which is not healthy
Mandel’s goal is to help raise awareness about mental illness and break the stigma.
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Bored Daddy
Love and Peace
They blocked off the road after realizing what this elephant was carrying with its trunk
Elephants are very special creatures. During years of extensive research and observation, scientists have discovered that elephants’ mourning pattern is very similar to that of humans.
Speaking to National Geographic, George Wittemyer, a Colorado State University conservation biologist who has studied elephants for a long time, said, “Elephants have respect for their dead, but their interaction with their dead is not something we fully understand.”
He added that these creatures act upon emotion when a member of their herd dies, which is truly fascinating and speaks of their emotional inteligence.
Twitter user Parveen Kaswan shared a video which proved yet again that elephants are able to mourn death. They not only bury the bodies but show respect to the bones later on.
The video shows a number of people and vehicles parked in the middle of the road. The reason why is that a herd of elephants is crossing the street.
What caught the attention of the bystanders was that one of the elephants was carrying something with its trunk. When they took a closer look, they realized that the animal was carrying a dead baby elephant.
The herd then stopped and placed the body of the dead calf on the ground as the rest of the group gathered around it.
“The family just don’t want to leave the baby,” Kaswan wrote in the caption and added that the sight resembled “funeral procession.”
As they continued their journey, another animal took the dead baby with its trunk.
To see the incredible moment go to the video below.
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