Man Uses 11 Shipping Containers To Build His 2,500 Square Foot Dream House, And The Inside Looks Amazing

Designer Will Breaux constructed a whole house out of shipping containers, realizing his ideal home. His unusual home, which is situated on Houston’s McGowen Street, is a three-story, 2,500 square foot home with a rooftop deck constructed out of eleven shipping containers.

Since the early 2000s, Breaux had dreamed of building his own home, but he had trouble finding a designer who could create the kind of home he wanted. He ultimately made the decision to act alone. Breaux wrote on his blog, “I started looking at projects that were being built that I liked.” In or around 2011, he started designing the house alone after dismissing a design team that fell short of his standards.

Breaux was drawn to the concept of employing shipping containers because of its robustness, resilience to fire, longevity, and capacity to withstand hurricanes. He didn’t have any professional building experience, but he taught himself how to build a container home and drew a 3D model of the home he wanted. Breaux is the happy owner of an amazing, completely equipped container home after many hours of labor.

Never leave a charger in an outlet without your phone: I’ll expose the three major reasons

Leaving chargers plugged into sockets after charging electronic devices is a habit many people have adopted without considering its potential consequences. Yet, the implications of such behavior can be significant.

What happens when chargers remain plugged in? Even when not actively charging a device, the charger continues to draw power, albeit at a minimal level. This standby power consumption may seem insignificant, but it adds up over time.

Repeatedly leaving chargers plugged in can lead to overheating, hastening the deterioration of internal components like capacitors. In the event of a voltage surge or fluctuation, an overheated charger connected to the power source risks smoking or even sparking a fire.

Moreover, ensuring home safety is crucial, especially for households with young children or pets. Chargers left plugged in with cords dangling pose a potential hazard for electric shocks, highlighting the importance of proper cord management and awareness of electrical safety practices.

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