My husband had taken this snapshot on my phone while I was asleep, which I discovered when I awoke

Moms are those special creatures who guide us, love us, and would give the world for our well-being. They are often the primary caregivers, providing the first model of emotional behavior for the little ones.

However, while they are always there for their children, moms also go through tough times and sleepless nights.

A woman shared the experience of being a mother and how it drained every atom of her energy, but a single look at her children returned her strength and energy every single time.

She started her story by sharing a photo she found in her phone that her husband took the previous night. It showed her and her young daughter sleeping together. She would usually get mad at someone taking a photo of her while asleep, but this one was special because it spoke of the struggles and the joys of motherhood.

She spoke of not normally washing her hair and keeping it in a bun, and that her clothes are often stained with food and spits, her makeup is nowhere to be found, but this image her husband took would always serve as a reminder of how glamorous parenting really is.

Among the crying, the diapers, and all the mess, there are those tiny eyes that look at you as though you are the center of the world, and those gentle hugs that make you forget of all the troubles.


“I won’t mind the hectic evenings as much as holding and snuggling my infants to sleep. I can feel their little chests breathing in and out as their tiny fingers wrap around my own.”

“The ability to calm my children down with only a hug and a kiss on the forehead will bother me more than the weeping outbursts,” she wrote.

“I would like to reflect on this period in my life.

“I don’t want to forget this phase of parenting, no matter how difficult and stressful it might be.”

I’m 18 and obsessed with using sunbeds… but people online are saying I look “burnt to a crisp.”

Megan Blain, an 18-year-old who’s hooked on sunbeds, says she won’t stop tanning, even though online trolls are constantly insulting her. They’ve compared her skin to a “dirty 2p coin,” but she feels stuck in a tanning habit she can’t break.

Megan, from Seaham, County Durham, started using sunbeds at 16 to keep a tan all year. She ditched fake tan products for daily sunbed sessions and even began using tanning injections to get a darker glow. Although she didn’t know much about the risks, she spent up to 30 minutes on sunbeds, sometimes using baby oil to boost the effect.

Teenager Megan Blain, 18, has admitted to being addicted to sunbeds, despite facing harsh criticism online and noticing concerning changes to her skin

Megan has been compared to a ‘dirty 2p coin’ by trolls – but she insists she is trapped in a cycle of tanning and can’t imagine stopping

Megan said, “I liked how I looked with a tan. I wear bright colors, and the tan made them stand out more. Once I saw how good it looked, I started going to the sunbeds more often.”

But her intense tanning routine has raised health concerns. Megan now admits she’s addicted and has tried to cut back on sunbed use.

She also says the tanning injections make her feel sick, and she’s noticed a strange patch on her skin that changes size. Even though she’s scared it could be cancer, she hasn’t stopped tanning yet. Megan has tried to go to the doctor several times but gets too nervous to go inside.

“I’m the type of person who worries about everything, so it’s strange that I’m not more worried about this patch. I know it could be melanoma, but I still use sunbeds, which shows it’s an addiction. I never feel dark enough,” she explained.

She says she’s stuck in a cycle of overusing sunbeds and taking injections that make her feel sick and unable to eat. She used to go every day, but now she goes about four times a week.

Despite getting negative attention from strangers, with some saying she looks like a “burnt chip” or a “cremated” version of herself, Megan still can’t imagine life without tanning beds.

The student, from Seaham, County Durham, initially began using sunbeds at 16, hoping to maintain a year-round tan
She swapped fake tan products for sunbeds and even started injecting herself with tanning agents to achieve a deeper glow
The student admits tanning injections make her feel nauseous and she’s even noticed a suspicious patch recently appear on her skin
Despite ‘not knowing much about sunbeds’ at first, Megan spent up to half an hour on the beds under the UV lights for over a year, often coated in baby oil to enhance the results

Megan said, “Everywhere I go, people stare at me. When they say I’m dark, I don’t believe them. I don’t feel dark at all, like I can’t see it myself.”

She admits she wants to stop using sunbeds one day, but she can’t imagine quitting. “I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone because you could get addicted without even realizing it, like I did,” she warned.

Megan has tried to cut down, now only using sunbeds four times a week, and she’s using her TikTok platform to warn younger people about the dangers of sunbed addiction. She’s especially worried because more young people seem to be using sunbeds than older ones, and she knows how easy it is to get hooked.

However, Megan has also faced online trolls who make fun of her tan. Some compare her to “burnt chips” or say her skin looks like a dirty “2p coin.” One person even asked if the sunbeds “cremated” her.

While Megan’s views on tanning have changed, she still struggles to break her habit of using UV lights.

Megan says her extreme tan has attracted attention from strangers, with some comparing her to a ‘burnt chip’ or saying she looks like a ‘cremated’ version of herself
Despite the backlash online, she insists she never feels ‘dark enough’ and struggles to imagine a life without the tanning beds
Megan has reduced her sunbed usage to four times a week and is now using her platform on TikTok to warn ‘the younger generation’ about the dangers of sunbed addiction

Megan said, “After two years, I’ve changed my mind about sunbeds. If I could go back, I’d never start. Now, it’s not even about wanting to be tan anymore—I just feel like I have to use them.”

She explained that once she’s on the sunbed, it’s hard to turn it off. “I don’t even like using them anymore, I actually dread it, but I feel like I physically can’t stop.”

Another tanning addict, Fionnghuala Maguire, 35, from Belfast, shared her story, saying she feels “lucky to be alive” after using sunbeds almost every day for 15 years. She started at 14 and never used sunscreen during that time. Fionnghuala is now warning others not to make the same mistake, having been hooked on tanning and going to salons up to seven days a week at the height of her addiction.

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