Say Goodbye to Skin Tags: 9 Home Remedies That Actually Work

Skin tags are small, harmless bumps that often appear where skin rubs together, like in the armpits or neck. While they don’t cause any health issues, many people choose to remove them for cosmetic reasons or to prevent irritation from clothing or jewelry. If you want to try removing skin tags at home, here are nine easy remedies using items you likely have at home:

**1. Tea Tree Oil:** This oil is known for its cleaning properties. To use it, put a few drops on a clean cotton ball and place it on the skin tag. Secure it with a bandage and leave it on overnight. Repeat this every night until the skin tag falls off.

**2. Apple Cider Vinegar:** Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and place it on the skin tag. Secure it with a bandage and do this every day for a few weeks. Over time, the skin tag will darken, dry out, and eventually fall off.

**3. Garlic:** Garlic has natural properties that can help shrink skin tags. Crush a garlic clove to make a paste, apply it to the skin tag, and cover it overnight. Wash it off in the morning and keep doing this until the skin tag disappears.

**4. Banana Peel:** The enzymes in banana peels can help break down skin tags. Cut a small piece of banana peel and place it over the skin tag, then cover it with a bandage overnight. Continue this process until the skin tag falls off.

**5. Vitamin E Oil:** This oil is good for your skin and may help with skin tags. Apply vitamin E oil to the skin tag and cover it with a bandage. Change the bandage daily until the skin tag falls off.

Using these simple remedies can help you remove skin tags at home safely and effectively. Always remember to be gentle with your skin and consult a doctor if you have any concerns.

KJP Stunned, Watch The Hilarious Reaction

On Tuesday, Simon Ateba, a reporter from Africa, finally snapped and Iashed out at Biden’s Press Secretary, Karine Jean Pierre.

What sparked his fire and fury was her repeatedly dodging questions relating to Biden’s document scandaI, particularly her misleading reporters as of late.

In fact, Simon was so furious that he toId KJP, to her face, in front of all the other reporters, that she is unfit for her job.

At the beginning, Simon questioned KJP on whether she could actually handle the position. He said, Karine, since you don’t have any answer on the cIassified documents, you don’t seem a good fit for this job. We do not seem to have any answer from you.

An exchange from the January 24th press conference shows why reporters are growing so frustrated with KJP. When asked about the Biden documents and the building scandal, she refused to give any answers, instead just trying to redirect the inquisitive reporter, FNC’s Peter Doocy.

Watch the video:

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