Science Shows That Women Sleep Better Next To Dogs Than Men

Undoubtedly, the importance of a good night’s sleep for overall health is widely acknowledged. With numerous studies exploring the optimal ways to achieve quality rest, recent research proposes a surprising solution, sharing the bed with dogs. Canisius College in New York State spearheaded this unconventional investigation, revealing that women experience better sleep next to their canine companions compared to human or feline counterparts.

Lead researcher Christy Hoffman, Ph.D., an animal behaviorist, conducted a survey involving nearly a thousand women across the United States to draw these intriguing conclusions. The results unveiled that 55% of participants shared their beds with at least one dog, 31% with a cat, and 57% with a human partner.

Hoffman delved into the reasons behind dogs emerging as superior sleep partners. The study highlighted that dogs’ sleep patterns align more closely with humans than those of cats. Hoffman theorizes that this synchronization may contribute to improved sleep quality, as dogs are adept at accommodating their owners’ sleep schedules, potentially mitigating disruptions caused by differing bedtime routines.

Furthermore, the structured routines imposed by dogs, such as morning walks, assist in regulating their owners’ daily schedules, thereby enhancing overall sleep quality. Another contributing factor is the physical stillness of dogs during sleep, unlike fidgety feline companions. Women in the study reported that dogs tended to remain on the bed throughout the night, fostering a sense of security and stability.

The study’s third crucial finding emphasizes the unique sense of security that dogs provide. Unlike cats or even human partners, dogs offer a heightened level of psychological comfort. Hoffman suggests that the perception of dogs as vigilant protectors, capable of alerting their owners to potential intruders, plays a role in enhancing the sense of security.

Despite these intriguing findings, the study acknowledges the subjectivity of sleep preferences. Factors such as a dog’s snoring or generating excess warmth could pose challenges. Additionally, there are individuals who find solace in the companionship of cats during bedtime.

It’s essential to note that the study relies on participants’ subjective perceptions of their pets’ impact on sleep quality and duration. Consequently, further research is necessary to definitively crown dogs as superior sleeping partners. Hoffman emphasizes the need for continued exploration into the various contexts under which pets positively or negatively influence sleep quality.

As American households increasingly welcome pets, understanding these dynamics becomes crucial. Future research may utilize technologies like Fitbit-like devices to objectively track sleep quality in diverse sleeping conditions, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationship between humans and their animal companions during bedtime.

They Only Ever Played This 9/11 Video One Time

It’s hard to believe that over two decades have passed since the 9/11 attacks. Reflecting on those events brings back the profound emotions we experienced during that difficult time.

In the aftermath of 9/11, many continued to honor the victims. Among those paying tribute was Budweiser, who created a commercial that became widely recognized.

The ad begins with the iconic Clydesdales running through a field, preparing to pull a wagon. They set off on a journey to an unknown destination.

As they travel through rural landscapes, they eventually reach a bustling city, crossing into New York City via the Brooklyn Bridge. From a distance, the majestic New York City skyline comes into view. The Clydesdales then bow in a solemn tribute to those who lost their lives.

This ad was shown just one time during the Super Bowl, but the complete version is available to watch here:

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