She Attempted to mock Jesus, but What Happened Next Will Surprise You!

Comedian Heather McDonald cracked an inappropriate joke about Jesus, which led to an unexpected turn of events. Ray Comfort seized upon this incident to delve into the genuine essence of Jesus’s love.

He proceeded to illustrate the profound depth of Jesus’s love to two individuals during his evangelistic efforts, emphasizing its remarkable nature.

Healthy pickled beets

Eight large, fresh beets
one cup vinegar
half a cup of sugar
one and a half tsp whole cloves
One and a half tsp whole allspice
Half a teaspoon of salt

* Instructions:

Beets: scrub, then cut off tops to 1 inch. Put in a Dutch oven and cover with water. Heat till boiling. Simmer, covered, for 25 to 30 minutes on low heat, or until tender. Take out of the water and let cool. After peeling and slicing, put the beets in a basin and reserve.
Add the vinegar, sugar, cloves, spices, and salt to a small saucepan. Heat until boiling, about 5 minutes. Drizzle over the beets. For at least one hour, refrigerate. Before serving, drain.

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