She Gave Up Her Organ to Save Him, But What Happened Next Will Break Your Heart

Being married to a Hollywood star can be difficult, but some couples make it work.

Ann Serrano gave everything for her famous husband — even one of her organs — but ended up being betrayed.

Ann Serrano might not be a name you immediately recognize, but she deserves to be known for more than just being “the wife of a celebrity.” Ann has built a career as both an actress and a producer. Some people may know her from *Arrested Development*, and she even appeared in an episode of *Curb Your Enthusiasm*.

Beyond her career, Ann is a devoted mom to a daughter she shares with a famous and groundbreaking actor. The couple met during a casting for a movie, which was Ann’s first casting job. They connected and got married in September 1993. Three years later, they welcomed a beautiful daughter, Mayan.

For a long time, their high-profile marriage seemed strong, but everything changed in the early 2000s when her famous husband got devastating news.

Doctors told him that his kidneys were failing because of a genetic condition, and he needed a transplant to survive. The surgery was urgent, but he delayed it for a year because he feared the media would find out. He didn’t want their 9-year-old daughter to read about his illness in the tabloids.

Even though he was a public figure, he managed to keep the illness a secret for some time. But soon, it became clear that he needed help. That’s when Ann offered something incredible — her own kidney.

For Ann, the choice was simple, as she said in an interview.

“It’s amazing to help another human being like this. You’re giving the gift of life,” she said.

The surgery was a success, and the famous actor was lucky that his body accepted the new organ. On top of that, he lost 45 pounds as his health got better. Thanks to Ann’s generosity, they looked forward to many more happy years together. But things didn’t turn out that way.

So, who was this man? None other than George Lopez, best known for starring in *The George Lopez Show*. Today, he is one of the most loved comedians, and in 2005, *Time* magazine named him one of “The Top 25 Hispanics in America.”

Abandoned by his parents
Born in 1961 in Los Angeles to a Mexican migrant worker, George Lopez had a tough start in life. His father left him when he was just two months old, and his mother left when he was 10. George was raised by his grandmother after that.

As a shy and introverted child, George spent much of his time daydreaming. No one could have guessed he would become a Hollywood star, but George turned his tough upbringing into comedy, using his pain to create jokes that connected with people everywhere.

“I started to find my comedic voice in the early ’90s, and it revolved around my grandmother as a sort of muse,” George once shared.

“She was really something. No car could go from zero to 60 as fast as my grandmother could go from calm to upset.”

**Discovered by Sandra Bullock**
It wasn’t long before Sandra Bullock noticed George, frustrated by the lack of Hispanic representation on TV.

ABC agreed, and in 2002, George became one of the few Latinos to star in a sitcom. The show was a huge success, with nearly 10 million viewers watching during its first season. George was the co-creator, writer, producer, and star.


Despite the success of *The George Lopez Show*, it was canceled in 2007, and George wasn’t pleased. He famously told the *Los Angeles Times*, “TV just became really, really white again.”

Professionally, it was a big setback, but at that time, George had just survived a life-threatening health issue.

**Secret surgery**
On April 19, 2005, George was taken into Cedars-Sinai Medical Center under the fake name “Tom Ace,” unsure if he would survive the surgery.

Thanks to Ann’s selfless act, he made it through.

Both George and Ann had surgery in side-by-side rooms, and the next day, their daughter visited them in the hospital. Ann said she didn’t feel any different with just one kidney.


Unfortunately, it all came crashing down, and this time, it was very public.

Ann discovered the heartbreaking truth by reading it in a tabloid. In that moment, she realized the man she had loved and supported was living a double life.

“It was a pretty devastating way to find out,” Ann shared on *TheHourGlass Podcast* in 2024.

This was something Ann couldn’t tolerate, and she made the painful choice to file for divorce. Unsurprisingly, their daughter Mayan stood by her mother’s side, offering support through the heartache.

Years later, Mayan shared more about her parents’ relationship on TikTok, even asking them directly why they divorced. Ann replied, “Your dad didn’t realize you have to stop dating other people when you get married.”

A year later, Mayan, who is also pursuing an acting career, posted another video with the caption, “He cheated. She divorced him. We kept almost everything.”

**Went into therapy**
George has been more reserved about the details but expressed regret for the pain he caused, especially to his daughter. The two didn’t speak for years.

Eventually, George went to therapy with her to work through their issues, admitting it was “awkward” but necessary.

“You have to be responsible for the trauma that you’ve caused,” George said. “For the first time in my life I said, ‘Yeah, I’m responsible for this, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life repairing it.’”

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“To be a father is a very special thing,” George told *ET*. He continued, “To be estranged from your child is the worst thing ever, and for the first time in my life, I owned up to my mistakes. I’m lucky Mayan took me back into her life, and a little bit of the show is about that.”

Father and daughter eventually healed their relationship, and it led to something truly special. Not only did they reconcile, but they also turned their struggles into art. Now, they co-star in the NBC comedy *Lopez vs. Lopez*, a show loosely based on their journey of fixing a complicated relationship.

Remarkably, despite everything, Ann and George maintain a good relationship. In fact, years later, Mayan asked them if they still loved each other, and both admitted they did. Ann even called George her “husband and friend,” while George simply said, “I love Ann.”

40-Yеаr-Оld Rоsе Наnbury, Рrinсе Williаm’s Аllеgеd Mistrеss, Наs Finаlly Вrоkеn Неr Silеnсе То Аddrеss Тhе Rumоrs

What a time to be a royal fanatic…

Throughout history, there have been countless well-publicized royal scandals. At various times, the British monarchy’s ongoings have dominated media headlines and sent the people into a frenzy.

Undoubtedly, the current situation is one of the most alluring. In addition to capturing the public’s attention since January with the story of Kate Middleton’s miraculous recovery from an unexplained abdominal operation, King Charles was also sh.ocked when he discovered he had cancer. Not to mention the ongoing scandal surrounding Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

In most other decades, the media’s main focus would have been on the reigning monarch’s battle with cancer. Thus, it says volumes that all other subjects have been essentially driven into the background by the whirlwind of rumors surrounding Kate.

One could claim that the royal family is solely to blame for the extraordinary attention paid to Kate’s recuperation. Apart from stating in January that the Princess of Wales was having a “planned abdominal procedure” and that she wouldn’t be able to return to work until after Easter, the Palace has been so frugal with its updates that they have provoked suspicion.

The public is still unaware of the exact condition Kate was experiencing that necessitated surgery. The fact that Kate hadn’t been seen since Christmas until last week added to the confusion.

With if the lack of hard data had heated up conjecture to the breaking point, the scandal surrounding the picture of Kate with her kids that was made public in the UK on Mother’s Day shook things up so much that conspiracy theories gained attention from people all over the world.

One of the most widely discussed theories was that Kate and Prince William were going through marital problems, which had forced Kate to step back from the spotlight until a resolution could be reached.

We wouldn’t be doing our jobs properly at this time if we didn’t emphasize that there is still no solid evidence to support any and all rumors that William and Kate’s romance is in trouble. Nevertheless, the subject has drawn enough interest from the public to prove that they are, at the very least, quite curious.

The central issue behind the alleged marital discord between William and Kate is the suspicion that William had an affair with Rose Hanbury, the Marchioness of Cholmondeley.

Rose and her spouse, David Rocksavage, the 7th Marquess of Cholmondeley, are said to have been part of William and Kate’s social circle for a while. Once upon a time, the always trustworthy Sun newspaper attempted to dispel rumors that Kate and Rose were having a falling out, which led to a considerable number of people believing Rose and William’s affair was the reason.

And it appears that the scandal is still blazing, even after The Sun revealed the aforementioned details around five years ago.

Amidst the media frenzy to discover Kate Middleton’s whereabouts last week, numerous pieces were written on Rose. Some news sites even faced accusations of “soft-launching” the Marchioness to set the stage for when her rumored affair with William became public knowledge.

Naturally, the ludicrous rumors seem to be exactly that—ludicrous. Nevertheless, Rose Hanbury was troubled enough to come out of her silence and assertively refute the existence of any affair.

Business Insider reportedly contacted Rose’s attorneys this past weekend to request a statement. “The rumors are completely false,” was the response they received.

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