I saw a paper stuck on a pole while walking down the street. It said:
“I lost 20 euros. If found, please return it to me. I’m really struggling right now and can’t even afford food”. S.T., lives in building 34, apartment 12.
Feeling for the person’s situation, I decided to help. I pretended I found the money and went to the address written on the notice. An elderly woman, looking unwell, answered the door. I explained that I found the lost money and handed her 20 euros.

Leaving the money with her, I headed for the elevator. But she called me back and said: “Please take down that notice from the pole. I don’t know who put it there. Your kindness has given me hope and a positive outlook on life”. Let’s spread hope and kindness!
This 96-year-old lady’s home looks normal from the outside but the inside will blow you away
For some people, moving from home to home isn’t a big deal, but for those who have spend their lifetime at the same place this change might be one of the hardest they’ve ever experienced.
One 96-year-old woman decided to sell her property which was built some 72 years ago. The place looks like any other house from the outside, but the interior is out of this world. She had picked every single piece by herself and took great care of each piece of furniture over the years.
If you take a look inside, you will feel like you are back to the seventies. Everything is bright, luxurious, and filled with vintage items. On top of that, the place is perfectly clean and shiny, which is a sign that this elderly woman treasured her possessions dearly.
While some believe it’s old-fashioned, others say it rouses some old, country feeling and brings nostalgia.
Take a look at the spacious home below.

This place makes you feel like a royalty.

In the basement, there is an amazing country-style bar and a lounge room, a perfect spot after a long day of work.

It’s safe to say that pink is this lady’s favorite color.

All those pinkish details give us a feeling as though this place is from a fairytale.

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