If you’re in your late 20s or early 30s and navigating the world of dating apps, you know how exhausting it can be to sift through countless potential matches. But what if you had a guiding light to help you navigate this process? And what if that guiding light happened to be the one and only Jennifer Lopez?In a recent episode of Tinder’s “Swipe Sessions” video series, Lopez provided invaluable advice to Brooke, a 29-year-old country singer, as they sifted through her options on the app. Brooke expressed her desire to find a man who could “chop wood,” and as they swiped through profiles, Lopez shared some insightful dating wisdom.
Mom Goes To Bathroom To Breastfeed Baby, Then Waitress Slips Note To Her Husband

Jackie Johnson-Smith was having a family meal at a pizza shop in Iowa when she received an unexpected act of generosity.

“I have breastfed three children,” she posted on Facebook, sharing a photo of the dinner bill. I have nursed them in innumerable settings, both private and public, in good times and bad. Though I’ve received a lot of looks and stares, tonight makes all of that negative energy go. Tonight was my first time dining at Fongs. I breastfed my cranky infant in the booth for a while before leaving the table early to avoid disturbing the dining area.

“My spouse received this receipt from the waitress. I was emotional and unable to speak. It felt fantastic, even though I don’t deserve a pat on the back for feeding my child. The message concluded, “It’s incredible how women can empower one another and make each other feel.

Waitress Bodi Kinney wrote the statement, saying to Des Moines’ KCCI 8 News, “We need to come together and support each other when it comes to nursing our children.”

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