One day, in a sweet suburban neighborhood, tiny Emma, a lively toddler who loves bright outfits and untidy ponytails, solemnly announces that she is cutting off communication with her cherished grandma Mimi. The cause? Mimi inadvertently spilled juice on Mr. Fluffykins, Emma’s cherished teddy animal.
Emma is steadfast in her decision, crossing her arms and pouting whenever Mimi tries to interact with her, even in the face of Mimi’s numerous apologies and attempts to make things right with cookies and goofy games.
As the days go by, the home turns into a battlefield of obstinate wills, with Mimi wanting to regain her granddaughter’s love and Emma adamantly rejecting Mimi’s presence. Trapped in the middle, Emma’s parents do everything from ice cream bribery to mediation sessions, but to no success.
Alex, Emma’s older brother, observes the spectacle with pleasure while imparting his own knowledge, speculating that the stalemate might be resolved by forgiveness.
At last, one night as the family sits down to eat, Emma longingly watches as Mimi dishes up her favorite spaghetti—with extra cheese. Emma’s willpower wanes as she gingerly reaches out for a mouthful, unable to resist the mouthwatering perfume.
Mimi takes advantage of the situation, snatching Emma up in her arms and giving her lots of kisses and hugs. Mimi apologizes again, her eyes welling with tears, and she swears she will be more watchful going forward.
Emma puts her arms around Mimi’s neck and says she forgives her, overcome by her own yearning for their unique link and moved by her grandmother’s genuineness.
The family, recognizing that even the smallest rifts can be healed with love, forgiveness, and a hearty helping of spaghetti, celebrates the end of the quiet standoff with joy and laughter.
Less than a month after painful divorce, Jason Momoa, 44, “begging” star for a date – and you might recognize her
Although Jason Momoa isn’t exactly a newcomer to the single scene, it appears that he isn’t letting his time be wasted looking for love.
At least, that’s what RadarOnline claims, claiming that the actor from Aquaman and Game of Thrones is targeting Demi Moore. When Momoa met the actress at a recent Hollywood event, he is said to have fallen in love.
As his fans are well aware, Momoa, 44, formalized his divorce from his four-year wife, Lisa Bonet, earlier this month. The two are now free to look for other partnerships after a 12-year relationship.
If RadarOnline is to be believed, Momoa has gotten in touch with Moore, Ashton Kutcher and Bruce Willis’ ex-wife. It was made public last year that the 61-year-old and the former are parents to three children together, and that she was doing everything in her power to support Bruce during his terrible battle with dementia.
Moore isn’t in a relationship, but it appears that she’s prepared to work hard to win Momoa over.
The famous couple was reportedly sighted together on January 18 at a showing of the documentary Common Ground (about a week after Momoa and Bonet filed for divorce).
“After they chatted, Jason snagged her number from a mutual friend, and he’s been laying it on thick, telling her she’s the most gorgeous woman he’s ever seen,” an insider told the National Enquirer. He’s been messaging her, wishing her a day as lovely as she is.
Demi is enamored with it despite how corny it is.
Furthermore, according to the same story, Momoa is making every effort to further matters by asking Moore out on a date.
The source went on, “He’s been pleading with her for a date and even calling friends who know her, asking them to put in a good word for him.”
According to a source who spoke to the site, Jason has a serious fetish about hooking up with Demi. “He believes they would be a fantastic match and believes Demi has a lot to teach him.”
Momoa said goodbye to the house he formerly shared with his ex-wife after he and Bonet separated, opting to live in a van instead.
Many have been taken aback by this unexpected change in lifestyle, but Momoa readily shares photos of his “van life” on social media and enjoys the minimalist design and environmentally friendly features of his new residence.
How do you feel about Moore and Momoa maybe dating? Share your opinions with us in the comments section.
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